没那么简单.调吉他谱案 save water save life!!!!!!
新生宝宝晒太阳晒多久案 please don't waste the water! 请不要浪费水资源 please do the right things 表面意思是做正确的事(如果放在水房一类,鬼佬都会认为是节约用水的意思) save it 对然很
处女座星座速配教英语11年、念汉字10年、在中国住6年的外国人说 Help us save water! Help us conserve water! Water conservation is everybody's responsibility!
深圳.学好玩吗案 saving water,saving lives保护水,保护生命!
妈妈冬装红案 Save water, cherish life节约用水,珍惜生命
走在乡村的.路上简谱案 Don't Waste Water!No water Wasting!Save Water!Water is Precious!Imagine one day you are out of water!Water is Money!
新风系统品牌代理商案 Do Not Waste Water 请节约用水 Cherish water resources珍惜水资源 Every drop of water is as precious as blood每一滴水都像血一样珍贵 你可以去找一些中文的语句,拿百
画家张峰作品案 Water conservation is the responsibility of everyone 节约用水,人人有责。Water is the source of life 水是生命之源。