李志 吉他谱,李志吉他谱合集

 admin   2023-11-08 15:00   48 人阅读  0 条评论



伊莱克斯洗衣机故障显示e3案 目前比较好的一个版本 SUCH A FOOL - George Nozuka 1). D/Asus4 Cadd9 D D/G Gm/E e|-------2h3p2---------------------------0------------------------------| B|-----3-------3-------------3--

宝宝发烧39.5在咳嗽是什么原因案 Dm bD C B7 bB7 A7 A7 I couldn't make the colors match today I don't know what else to say E.cept I tried and they can't say I didn't Dm bD C B7 bB7 A7 A7 I don

矿物玻璃区别案 D|-----------0------------------0---|-------0----------------------|


山西.医院附.宾馆分手礼 1 F* K7 ~# G, jKEY:C + ^1 k7 .6 ., {! f$ C* s7 N# ], [前奏 C9 --> C9/B --> C9/bB --> A1 O. B2 [7 s) .& S% A! s# e C9 --> C9/B--> Dm7 --> Dm7/G 8 j! Z C0 r9 y v, .( y

台钓竿当溪流竿案 就是按顺序弹奏,先弹5弦再弹3弦再弹2弦再弹3弦,就按这个顺序连起来弹,以此类推。

广州哪个公园最好玩案 Sing along song - 方.同 (吉他谱) 原Key:F 1 5/7 I wrote this song 4 It's not too long 2m 5 Cause I'm thinking about you 1 5/7 I wrote this song 4 Maybe I'm wrong 2m7

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