辞字硬笔行书案 1. beautiful clothes store SALE! come and buy your clothes at hua.ing is gread sale! DO you like sweathers? we have sweaters at a very good price ———only25yuan DO
春日朱熹的古诗意思案 Mary's Clothes Store sale Come and buy your clothes at Mary's Clothes Store.We have many good things at very good prices.Do you need T-shirts?We have T-shirts in all
汾阳一周的天气预报案 双星服装店正在进行.减价,非常优惠。各种.衣一件只卖三十元,短裤只卖20元,衬衫只要25元。.包卖35元,.包卖20元。还有很多漂亮的鞋子、裙子。欢迎选购
伊斯兰堡宾馆案 we need a middle-school maths teacher.aged at 30 to 40,hard-working.2hour per night,and we will pay 40per hour .
女装资讯案 比较书面形式 advertisement n. 1.出公告, 做广告 2.广告 口语化的 ad n. 1.广告
3岁宝宝咳嗽不发烧案 Greatly pleasing to the taste You laughed in the dream.
最新自驾游进藏路线图案 Liqun Clothes Store SALE!Come and buy your clothes at Liqun's great sale! We have shorts for only ¥16 each. We sell T-shirts at ¥32. The sweaters in all colors are ¥30 .